Tuesday, December 13, 2016

lil carb Cauliflower Mash

Per Serving:
292 Calories
4g Protein
5.5 Net Carbs

SO.... I can't believe I have been keeping one of my easiest and basic low carb recipes from all you guys! lol This was not done intentionally it really is one of those recipes I could have sworn that I videoed waaaaay at the beginning but then when I checked back I never posted it!  No more waiting- here it is- my basic go-to cauliflower mash recipe. This can be used any time you would usually use mashed potatoes!  I especially enjoy this side dish because not only does it look exactly like fluffy mashed potatoes (watch my video if you don't believe me!) but it tastes better and it fills me up. Potatoes have always made me feel like my stomach is empty after I eat them. I know, I'm weird- or maybe I'm not- does anyone else feel like this?! My body as a whole just feels better when I am eating low carb which is why this recipe is a go-to!  Try it out- I bet you will love it too!

lil carb Cauliflower Mash- Serves 2
1/2 large head of cauliflower OR 1 small head
3 1/2 Tbsp salted butter
1 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
Salt and Pepper to taste
Mild dried herb for garnishing, optional (such as parsley or chive)

To start off cut your cauliflower into palm size chunks and then cut those in half.
Using a steam basket and boiling water, steam your cauliflower for 5 minutes.
Place steamed cauliflower directly into a food processor. (You want to work quickly so it stays hot)
Add in the butter and mayo and pulse.
Scrape down the sides and add the garlic powder and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
Pulse again until it is smooth.
Taste for seasoning and add more salt and pepper as needed.
Spoon into a serving bowl or directly onto your plates and sprinkle lightly with dried parsley or any other mild, dried herb that you like.

*When adding the mayo, garlic powder and butter add a little at a time. You might have more or less cauliflower than me so you may need to adjust your amounts. Watch my video above for further clarification.

1 comment:

  1. This is just AMAZING! Thank you so much! I luv it! I just found you on YouTube and I LUV LUV you and your videos. I am so hooked.... I LOVE YOUR BLOG! The recipes are so awesome....
