Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Do you ever feel like the time just flies by and you don't even get a second to think? Or you have a blah day which turns into a week and may go on even longer? Do you ever think that you'll be happy once this happens or you get that or *fill in the blank*? I think we've all felt like that at least once in our lives.   I used to feel like that all the time. Not so much depressed but always looking forward when I was completely ignoring the good I had around me each day.  

A few years ago a friend told me to watch the move The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I watched the movie and I wasn't totally impressed- to be honest.  But- it did get me thinking! I am an avid reader so I thought I might get more out of reading the book. So I did, I read the book.  I could barely put it down actually.  It changed my whole life. I then went on to read her second book; The Power.  Just when I thought I had a handle on this secret, The Power explained it even further.  I recommend The Power to everyone!  I have the audiobook that I play in my car when I'm driving!

The most important thing I have learned from Rhonda- who I would love to meet some day- is that I choose to be happy. I choose how I react to the events life throws at me. I control my mind to think what I want it to think. 

I decided to make Thursdays thankful because I want to share tips and stories about how anyone can change their life and be happy. I try to be thankful every chance I get. In my head I say what I love, what I'm happy about, and what I'm grateful for. I urge you to try this today.  Make an effort to try today to think happy thoughts.  Think about what you are grateful for- this can be everything and anything. I am grateful for my car, my job, my health, my family and pets, my friends and so much more. If you focus your mind on positive things your mind doesn't have time to be stressed or to worry about things. Most people don't realize that they can control what they think which will ultimately control their mood.  Even in the midst of a bad situation there is always something that you can be grateful for.  For some it can be hard to see past the bad but if you don't try you'll never know! Something as easy as thinking happy thoughts might sound silly to some people... but for me I didn't realize how many bad thoughts I had on a regular basis until I start purposely focusing only on the positive. 

Try it! I like to make a list of the things that make me happy and I add to it all the time.  Its just a big list of smiles. I read it when I need a boost of positivity. Because when you are feeling good and you are happy you attract good and happy situations. Plus, wouldn't you rather be happy than sad? Positive rather than negative? You can be! But you will never know if you don't start changing your thinking. 

Sunset out my front door 10/29/14 no filter!

Sunsets are on my happy list- the colors, the beauty- how can you not smile?

My Chow Chow, Kuttah admiring the sunset with me :)

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