Contact Me

Places to find Kathleen Hart on social media:

Facebook: lil Piece of Hart

Twitter: @lilpieceofkhart 

Instagram: @lil_piece_of_hart

Snap Chat: lilpieceofhart

Pinterest: Kathleen Hart 


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  1. Hello, I just wanted to say that i love all of your videos. I think you are outstanding and i love your energy in the videos. Im not trying to be a wierdo but I just wanted you to know that. I watch your videos at my desk all of the time and my family and friends love what i have stolen from up the good work

    1. Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate that. I'm happy you are enjoying my videos and recipes!

  2. I hear all of the time to watch the lunch meat that you use. Do you have a favorite brand that you use? If so would you mind sharing?

  3. Just wondering if any keto sweetener will interchange with Tuvia on your peanut brittle? I've never used Turvia before.

    1. If you want to sub Truvia just check online what the conversion would be for the sweetener you would like to use. I have always used Truvia so I can't be sure the recipe will be accurate as far as cooking times if you use another sweetener.

  4. Most of the time I have the ingredients in my pantry/refrigerator to try your recipes and that's what i appreciate the most about them lol! I especially enjoy your Youtube videos!

  5. Hello! Uk here! LOVING your youtube channel! A lot to digest but so much info, awesome! I'm on the high protein, low car, fasting 16:8 train and enjoying it. Several months ago I was diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic (not phased as I know what Im doing will correct it!) so....2 things -
    1 - will you be doing any diabetic friendly advice/recipes/youtube vids? Or have you done some?
    2 - I seem to be eating too much fat, any tips? Im gong to go through your recipes in here and make notes.

    Thank you for all youre doing to help us be successful with our health and congrats on yours! x

  6. I am new here and love your videos! I really think I found the missing link for my weight loss! I’ve been lifting for a year and up and down on micros.carb cycling is my new venture. Curious though if you still focus on 1 gram of protein per pound body weight? Thanks!and where are your fats?it seems to not matter for you how much fat. And I know we need fats I’m just trying to understand how much I should have.just figuring it all out. Thanks!
